Overview of Different types of Batteries used in Solar Electric System

Do we even need to mention the many uses of batteries? They are an essential part of our lives. The solar batteries are charged by the Solar Panel and are highly popular. The demand for these types of batteries is on the rise as it is a renewable form of energy. These batteries are available in many sizes that range from a small battery to huge ones that can be used in utility goods. Want to know about the types of Solar Panel Battery? Read on! Lead-acid batteries: These batteries are used for off grid energy systems. This is a good energy storage option and is least expensive. However, one of the major drawbacks is that it has a short life. Lithium ion batteries: There is lots of demand for Lithium ion Rechargeable Battery . These batteries are less in weight. They have a longer life. As compared to lead acid batteries these batteries are found to be compact. However these batteries are more expensive. One of the best examples of Li batteries is Lithium iron P...