Battery Operated Electric Vehicles as the New Mantra for a Clean & Green Environment

The prevalent conditions with soaring air pollution and human attempts towards an alternative from traditional ICVs (Internal Combustion Engines) has caused a major shift towards EVs (Electric Vehicles). Environmental awareness and benefits that come along with the use of EVs and batteries have lured the automobile and other sectors into this clean alternative.

The use of batteries has been around for decades. Transportation, machines, home appliances, power supply, computers and many are the areas where batteries have an extensive usage which marks their importance today.  Lithium-ion Battery is one such which stands out at the most dominating battery as far as the existing consumer needs from electronics to aerospace are concerned. Its 75% lighter than lead acid ones and 100% efficient compared to it. One such battery is LiFePO4 Battery (Lithium Iron Phosphate) which stands safer compared to other Li-ion batteries with high current rating.

Batteries are what powers our EVs be it used as an E-Rickshaw Battery, electric car battery or solar batteries even. The sustainable goals and development has forced the masses to move towards renewable energy sources which can be procured in the form of solar energy into batteries. A Solar Battery is one such simple battery that can be charged by solar energy using simple PV (Photo Voltaic cells) from a solar panel. Lithium Ion serves great coupled with one such system for standby applications and other uses. Solar driven vehicles serve as an extension to the same technology.

The age of domestic energy dependence over fossil fuels is declining. Moving towards EVs and battery operated cars and appliances one helps clean the air more reducing on emissions. The noiseless, responsive and torque characteristics aid more to individual benefits. Use of EVs and E-Mobility options through batteries are the way forward with increasing the use of ZEVs (Zero Emission Vehicles) which can be aided by Feebate programs and mass sensitization. The use of IC vehicles which are the leading contributor to emissions can be switched to EVs or hybrids aiding in increasing the NAQI (National Air Quality Index) and reducing carbon footprint.


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