Lithium-ion Batteries - The Way Of The Future

As an industrial maintenance mechanic for the past twenty years, I have seen maintenance and other trades revolutionized by the introduction of cordless tools. They help save time, money and can be used just about anywhere. Technology has come alomg way since the early days of cordless tools. Larger voltages have resulted in more power and longer run times from batteries have helped the tools become popular among tradesmen.

One of the only knocks against cordless tools has been the weight. The average 18 volt cordless drill has weighed up to six pounds in the past. The tool manufacturers have listened to the tradesman who want more power, more run time, and a lighter tool. The development of lithium-ion batteries for the cordless tool industry addresses all three of these consumer needs. Lithium-ion Batteries offer a reduction in cordless battery weight of 25-40 % and a total tool weight of up to 25 %. In the past, many of the NiCad and NiMH Battery had to extend up into the handle of tools such as cordless drills, reciprocating saws, and circular saws. This all translated into more overall weight for the battery and tool. With the development of lithium-ion technology, manufacturers can pack more power in a battery pack that is the same size/weight as the NiCad or NiMH or fit the same power as the NiCad or NiMH in a smaller battery pack.

Lithium-ion Battery can also deliver more run time per charge than NiCad. The highest capacity for lithium-ion batteries is 3.0 Ah. This represents a 25 percent increase of the NiCad at 2.4 Ah. The NiMH highest rated capacity is 3.5 Ah. The lithium-ion may not deliver a better run time than the NiMH, but the Lithium-ion Battery will deliver better total performance over the life of the battery than NiCad and NiMH. The results are plainly seen in the the power delivery curve over the cycle life of the Lithium-ion Battery. The power delivery curve is steady compared to the older technology. This helps power delivery remain constant over the life of the charge. We all know what happens to a cordless tool when the battery starts to wind down.

It loses much of its power. The power loss at the end of the charge is drastically reduced in lithium-ion batteries. The Lithium-ion Battery delivers better total performance over the life of the battery than NiCad and NiMH. Another advantage of lithium-ion batteries is that cordless power tools have a better ergonomic design. With the battery not extending into the handle of the tool, manufacturers can make a more comfortable grip for their consumers to enhance the use of the tool. Lithium-ion Battery is the way of the future in cordless tools. NiCad and NiMH will be around for several more years but like cars, older models are eventually retired to make way for the new. Visit for more Lithium-ion Battery information.


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